
7 Drinks To Boost Bone Health

Written by GHBY Team on Tue, 01 August 2023 — Fact checked by Deborah Onoja

Key Highlights

  • Bones that are strong, better, and healthier don't just appear; daily lifestyle choices contribute to their development.
  • The decline in bone health can be attributed to a variety of factors, including lifestyle, habits, gender, age, and others.
  • Spinach, kale, and other green leafy vegetables high in vitamin K are excellent for improving bone health.
  • Vitamin D is necessary for calcium absorption. The body uses sunlight to produce vitamin D.

Strong, better and healthier bones don't just appear out of nowhere; daily lifestyle decisions help to build them. Exercises that involve lifting weights, quitting smoking, taking supplements of specific vitamins and minerals, and consuming the right foods and liquids—most notably, milk—all help to build strong, unbreakable bones.

However, the relationship between bones and beverages goes well beyond dairy (though it is, of course, an excellent option).

By providing you with plenty of calcium, vitamin D, phosphorus, vitamin C, and other bone-building nutrients, a variety of other drinks can help prevent bone loss.

In this blog, we will learn all about drinks to boost bone health.

Importance of bone health

Even though your body makes bone cells more rapidly than it degrades existing bone when you're young, your bone mass increases. Around age 30, the majority of individuals reach their peak bone mass. Following that, you continue to shed possibly a bit more bone density than you gain as a result of bone remodeling.

How much bone mass you have by the time you turn 30 and how quickly you lose it afterward determine how prone you are to develop osteoporosis, a condition which makes bones weak and brittle. Hence the more bone you have "in the bank" and the higher your peak bone mass, the less likely it is that you will develop osteoporosis as you get older.

Maintaining the health of the bones

Here are few steps to remember in order to maintain the health of the bones.

Drinks that improve bone health

Include plenty of calcium in your diet: The Recommended Dietary Allowance for adults is 1,000 milligrams (mg) of calcium per day for women and men aged 19 to 50 and 51 to 70, respectively. The dosage has been increased to 1,200 mg per day for people who are 71 years of age and older.

Include vitamin D in your diet: In order to absorb calcium, you need vitamin D. The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for adults is 600 (IU) of vitamin D. For adults 71 years of age and older, the suggested daily intake rises to 800 IU.

Sunlight helps the body make vitamin D. Ask your doctor about supplements if you're unsure whether you're getting enough vitamin D.

Make time for exercise in your daily routine: You can strengthen your bones and slow bone loss by engaging in weight-bearing exercises like walking, running or cycling, and climbing stairs.

Steer clear of substance abuse: Avoid smoking. Avoid consuming more than one alcoholic beverage per day if you're a woman. Men should ideally limit their daily alcohol intake to no more than two drinks.

Good food for good bone health

The most densely packed sources of calcium are found in dairy products. Tofu, spinach, kale, broccoli almonds, fortified orange juice, and canned fish with soft bones are additional sources of calcium (like sardines and salmon) and good food for osteopenia.

Additionally, vitamin K supports strong bones. Leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables contain this vitamin. Fresh, raw spinach in a cup will provide more than enough. A large serving of boiled broccoli or Brussels sprouts will also work.

Delicious drinks for stronger bones

Drinks that improve bone health

1. Vitamin D–fortified milk

  • Cereals and dairy products are just two examples of the foods and supplements that have vitamin D added.
  • Plants produce vitamin D2, which is obtained from fortified foods as well as some supplements. This milk should be a part of the diet for osteoarthritis because it will support bone health.

2. Plant-based drinks

  • You'd think you'd lose all of that vitamin D and calcium if you switched to milk made from soy, almonds, or coconuts instead of dairy. However, the majority of the varieties you'll find in the store have had those nutrients added in greater quantities.
  • Plant-based drinks like almond milk and soy milk are known give a good boost to our bone health. The high level of protein in soy milk is equivalent to that in cow's milk.

3. Banana milkshake

  • Because they contain substances that can be converted into bicarbonate, which helps to neutralize acids in the body and it could protect bone, potassium-rich foods may have a buffering, "alkalinizing" effect.
  • Observational studies have found a connection between higher potassium intake from fruits and vegetables and increased bone density.
  • Since banana is known to be a rich source of potassium, combining it with milk, which happens to be a rich source of calcium can prove extremely beneficial for the bones.

4. Fig juice

  • Figs should be close to the top of your grocery list if you're looking for fruits that can strengthen your bones. Around 90 milligrams of calcium and other skeleton-preserving nutrients like magnesium and potassium can be found in 5 medium figs.
  • Figs are simple to consume fresh as a snack or cut in half and thrown into a sandwich or a salad for further flavor and crunch. But there are also a lot of delectable ways to bake with figs as the sweetener.
  • Cooking chopped figs over moderate flame until they are tender and moist will yield fig bars. They can then be combined with other ingredients and pressed into a pan.
  • Making fig juice is an additional choice. It's simpler to consume and a fantastic way to start the day.

5. Kale juice

  • The production of several proteins necessary for blood clotting and bone growth is aided by vitamin K.
  • Osteocalcin is a protein that depends on vitamin K to create strong bone tissue. The recommended daily intake of vitamin K for people aged 19 and older is 90 micrograms (mcg) for women and 120 mcg for men, as well as for individuals who are pregnant or nursing.
  • Kale is packed with sufficient vitamin K in it. One cup of raw kale provides 176 micrograms of vitamin K. Hence a juice of kale a day and help in osteoporosis prevention.

6. Natto soup

  • This fermented soybean, which is well-liked in Japan, is one of the best sources of vitamin K available. Natto contains 708 percent of the daily recommended amount in just 3 ounces. Natto contains menaquinone, also known as vitamin K2, a subset of vitamin K. This is the vitamin's most potent form, according to researchers.
  • Vitamin K, which supports the health of our bones, is abundant in natto soup. It can be included in the list of foods for osteoarthritis.

7. Bone broth

Bone density and joint mobility are both supported by bone broth. The broth's glucosamine, collagen, as well as gelatin help to safeguard your joints and regenerate cartilage. Bones from virtually any animal, including pork, beef, veal, poultry, lamb, buffalo, chicken, or fish, can be used to make bone broth.

Additionally, marrow and soft tissues like fins, feet, beaks, hooves, and gizzards can be used.


Adding superfoods rich in vitamin D, calcium, and, vitamin K can help in boosting bone health. Prevention of osteoporosis at the early stages of life can prove beneficial in the later stages of life. Your bones will definitely be thankful to you.



GHBY Team comprises content writers and content editors who specialise in health and lifestyle writing. Always on the lookout for new trends in the health and lifestyle space, Team GHBY follows an audience-first approach. This ensures they bring the latest in the health space to your fingertips, so you can stay ahead in your wellness game. 

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  1. Keeping bones strong. Harvard Health. 2018 [Cited 2022 Nov 17]. 
  2. Potassium. The Nutrition Source. 2019 [Cited 2022 Nov 17] 
  3. Vitamin K. The Nutrition Source. 2012 [Cited 2022 Nov 17]

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Current Version

Aug, 01 2023

Written By


Fact checked By

Deborah Onoja