
Benefits Of Cardio Exercises For Better Heart Health

Written by GHBY Team on Fri, 01 December 2023 — Fact checked by Rama Manikumar

Key Highlights

  • Cardio exercises, also known as aerobic exercises, are highly beneficial for maintaining a healthy heart and preventing cardiovascular diseases.
  • These exercises increase heart rate and work out the lungs, leading to improved cardiovascular health and a stronger heart.
  • Engaging in cardio workouts can provide a sense of accomplishment and make you feel good, contributing to overall well-being.
  • While staying motivated and committed to a regular cardio routine can be challenging, understanding the science behind its benefits can help you stay motivated and committed to your fitness goals.

Our heart is a vital organ that works tirelessly to pump blood throughout our body, delivering oxygen and nutrients to our cells. It’s essential to take care of our heart health and maintain a healthy lifestyle to prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Welcome to the world of cardio - where you get to sweat, pant and feel the burn! While cardio workouts may seem challenging, they are undoubtedly one of the best ways to keep your heart healthy and happy.

Cardio exercises, also known as aerobic exercises, can do wonders for your cardiovascular system. By increasing your heart rate and working out your lungs, cardio helps improve the overall health of your heart. So, if you’re looking for a workout that will not only make you feel good but also keep your heart pumping strong, then cardio is the way to go!

Despite the numerous benefits of cardio exercises, it can be challenging to stay motivated and committed to a regular workout routine. That’s why it’s essential to understand how cardio benefits our heart health and the positive impact it has on our overall well-being.

In this blog post, we will explore the science behind cardio exercises and their impact on our heart health.

The cardio dilemma

Are you one of those people who can never seem to find the time or motivation to exercise? Maybe you find yourself saying, “I’m too busy,” or “I’m too tired” more often than not. If so, you’re not alone!

Many people struggle to prioritize physical activity in their busy lives, and it can be tough to find the motivation to lace up your sneakers and hit the gym.

But what if we told you that just a little bit of cardio exercise could make a huge difference in your heart health? That’s right – cardio, also known as aerobic exercise, is one of the most beneficial forms of physical activity for your cardiovascular system.

And while muscle pain, chest pain, or breathlessness may be intimidating at first, the key is to keep moving and push past those initial hurdles. With time and consistency, you’ll find that the benefits of cardio exercise far outweigh any discomfort or obstacles you may encounter along the way.

So, let’s dive into the specifics – how exactly does cardio benefit our heart health?

Benefits of cardio exercises

Cardio not only strengthens muscles but also helps the heart do a better job of circulating blood throughout the body.

Benefits of cardio exercises

1. Reduces your blood pressure levels

With each beat, a healthy heart pushes out more amount of blood, allowing it to function more effectively.

This reduces the strain on your heart and the adjacent arteries, potentially lowering blood pressure. If you do not already have high blood pressure, cardio may help keep it from rising as you get older.

2. Improves circulation

Regular cardio-based physical activity allows the heart to accomplish improved blood flow in the small vessels surrounding it, where fatty deposit blockages can form over time.

Improved circulation in these locations may help to prevent heart attacks.

3. Reduces your chances of developing heart disease, stroke, or diabetes

It reduces the likelihood of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, osteoporosis, and certain forms of cancer, as well as helps to control stress, improves sleep, boosts mood, reduces the risk of falling, and enhances brain function in older adults.

4. Reduces the prevalence of heart arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation (AFib):

AFib, a common heart rhythm problem, is associated with a fivefold increase in the likelihood of stroke due to a blood clot.

The American Heart Association published study findings indicating that the incidence of AFib was cut in half in people who did cardio regularly.

The effect of cardio on our overall health

Benefits of cardio exercises

Cardio exercises, also known as aerobic exercises, offer benefits that go beyond improving your heart health. With cardio, you can tackle risk factors like high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and high blood cholesterol that contribute to heart disease.

Apart from these physical benefits, cardio also plays a vital role in promoting mental well-being. It can help you combat stress and depression, which are frequently overlooked factors that can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease.

So, if you’re looking for a simple yet effective way to boost your health, cardio might just be the answer you’ve been searching for.

1. Increases the effectiveness of your workouts

When you begin a new workout regimen that includes cardio activity, it may take some time for your body to adjust to the faster pace. However, the more you exercise regularly, the faster your body draws oxygen from your blood during workouts. Regular cardio or gym exercises also enable your body to bounce back from exercise more quickly.

2. Exercise for the brain

Cardio exercise can help you build your brain as well as your muscles. The hormone irisin, which is generated by muscles during cardio, protected participants from brain inflammation and it could help to ward off the effects of Alzheimer's, according to a published study.

3. Shed those extra pounds

Cardio, when combined with a healthy diet, can aid in losing weight and keeping it off.

4. Enhances endurance, strength, and fitness

When you first start doing cardio, you may feel tired. However, you will benefit from enhanced stamina and decreased fatigue in the long run. Over time, your lung and cardiac fitness may improve significantly, along with your muscle and bone strength.

5. Defends against viral infections

Cardio stimulates your immunity beneficially. This may make you less vulnerable to viral infections like flu and colds.

6. Improves your mood

Cardio may alleviate the greyness of depression, reduce anxiety-related tension, and relieve stress. It can boost your mental health and self-esteem.

Now that we know the benefits of cardio exercises, don’t you want to know which aerobic exercises you should start with? Here are a few exercises that can be beneficial for cardiovascular activity.

The best exercises to improve cardiovascular endurance: types of cardios

Cardio with a lower impact includes:

  • Swimming.
  • Cycling.
  • Brisk Walking.
  • Rowing.

Cardio with a higher impact includes:

  • Rope jumping.
  • Running.
  • Exercising with step aerobics.
  • High-intensity interval training (HIIT)

1. How frequently and for how long must I perform these exercises?

  • It is recommended that everyone should engage in a minimum of 30 minutes of cardio five to seven days a week.
  • This can be divided into 10-minute sets.
  • This means that taking three 10-minute walks would get you to the recommended minimum for lowering your likelihood of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, and high cholesterol.
  • You would also burn similar amount of calories if you walked for the entire 30 minutes at once.

2. When is the best time to do cardio?

  • First thing every morning (before breakfast) appears to help people burn more stored calories.
  • Another potential advantage for early-morning exercisers is the release of ‘feel good’ brain chemicals such as serotonin and dopamine, during physical activity.

Tips to do cardio in a fun and effective way

  • Try a hill program on a treadmill or an elliptical trainer, or a program on your favorite cardio machine that automatically changes the resistance or intensity throughout.
  • Try a unique cardiovascular activity. If you normally run, switch to biking or swimming to work on different muscle groups.
  • Divide it into sections. Switch from one machine to the next for a total of 30 minutes of exercise. Begin by running for 10 minutes, then cycling for 10 minutes, and rowing for 10 minutes. If possible, move quickly between exercises to keep your heartbeat elevated.

Do you aim to really want to shake things up?

  • Do a 30-minute dance party at home, or go outside with a friend and jump rope.
  • Cardio is emphasized in many dance fitness classes. Choreographers devise simple routines to keep participants moving and raise their heartbeats.
  • Zumba dance, TurboJam, Hip Hop Abs, and Bokwa are the best exercises to improve cardiovascular endurance. Other fun cardio exercises include Hula-hooping and roller skating.


When it comes to taking care of your heart, it’s important to incorporate regular aerobic exercise into your routine. However, the question remains, ‘what kind of exercise is best for your heart?’ The truth is that there is no one ‘perfect’ type of cardio that reigns supreme. The key is to find a form of exercise that you enjoy and can commit to consistently over the long term.

Making exercise a regular part of your daily routine, just like brushing your teeth and taking a shower, can go a long way towards preserving the function of your heart and keeping it healthy throughout your life.

So, whether it’s running, cycling, swimming, or any other form of aerobic activity, the most important thing is to make the most of benefits of cardio exercises and get your heart rate up and break a sweat.

With dedication and consistency, you’ll be on your way to a healthier heart and a healthier life.



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Current Version

Dec, 01 2023

Written By


Fact checked By

Rama Manikumar