
Navigating Breastfeeding Challenges: Tips And Advice For New Moms

Written by Dr. Pulyk Nataliya Omelanivna on Wed, 22 November 2023

Key Highlights

  • The initial phase of breastfeeding is critical as it produces colostrum, a nutrient-rich pre-milk packed with antibodies and essential for the newborn's immunity and digestive development.
  • Breastfeeding offers extensive health advantages for the mother, including a natural method to expedite postpartum weight loss and a significant decrease in the risk of cancer.
  • Addressing and managing common breastfeeding difficulties, such as sore nipples and breast engorgement, is essential for maintaining comfort and ensuring a sustainable breastfeeding journey. 

One Step At A Time

Breastfeeding is a wonderful way to nourish your new-born and bond with them, but it can also be challenging and overwhelming for new mothers. However, with the right guidance and support, breastfeeding can be a positive experience for both you and your baby. From the very beginning, there are steps you can take to increase your chances of success, but it's important to remember that every mother's journey is unique. In this article, we will explore some key things you can do to improve your chances of breastfeeding success by overcoming challenges!

Will I Begin Producing Milk

Did you know that during the first three to five days mothers produce colostrum which is super important for the baby's health? Colostrum, the early milk, contains protective antibodies and helps the baby's digestive system develop. Further, it gives the baby time to get used to sucking, swallowing, and breathing all at the same time.

Benefits Of Breastfeeding For You

Benefits Of Breastfeeding For You

Check out the various advantages of breastfeeding:

  • It helps your uterus return to its pre-pregnancy size and can reduce post-delivery bleeding.
  • Want to shed those pregnancy pounds? Breastfeeding can help you burn up to 500 extra calories a day.
  • Breastfeeding may also reduce your risk of postpartum depression, as well as breast and ovarian cancer.
  • And let's not forget, it saves you a ton of money since you don't need to buy formula.

Although breastfeeding is a natural process, it is something that both mother and baby need to learn. It's okay if you encounter some challenges along the way, but don't worry, we're here to offer tips and strategies to help you make breastfeeding a success.

Common Challenges

Common Challenges

Learn how to avoid the most common issues related to breastfeeding with these helpful tips:

1. Sore And Cracked Nipples

Dealing with sore and cracked nipples while breastfeeding can be painful and frustrating. But there are certain tips by which you can lower the discomfort. First, check your baby's position when they latch on to ensure they are properly aligned with your nipple. In the first few days, limit each nursing session to 5-10 minutes on each breast until your nipples toughen up. Also, listen for clicking or sucking sounds that indicate an improper latch and adjust the baby's position by bringing the baby closer and holding their head firmly, so their mouth covers as much of the nipple area as possible.

2. Engorgement (Overly Full Breasts)

If you experience engorgement or even a blocked milk duct, there are a few things you can do to relieve the discomfort. Applying warm compresses, letting warm water run over your breasts in the shower, or using cabbage leaves can relieve the pressure. You can also try pumping some milk between feedings to help regulate your milk flow.

3. Mastitis, Or A Breast Infection

If you feel like, you are suffering from flu-like symptoms and one breast is hot, red, and sore. Then, you may have mastitis, consult your doctor for antibiotics to clear up the infection. It's important to keep nursing or pumping on the affected breast, even if it's painful, to prevent further complications. To avoid mastitis, make sure you empty your breasts regularly. If you do take antibiotics, consider adding a probiotic supplement or eating yogurt every day to prevent thrush, another potential complication.

4. Thrush

Thrush is a fungal infection that can occur on your breast and pass between you and your baby's mouth. Symptoms include sore nipples, achy breasts, and white spots in your baby's mouth. You can treat it with antifungal medication, and prevent it by air-drying your nipples, using nipple pads, and reducing sugar and yeasty foods in your diet.

5. Increased Milk Supply

Breastfeeding operates on a simple supply-and-demand system. The more your baby feeds, the more milk your body produces. So, if your baby seems to be feeding constantly during a growth spurt, it's because they're telling your body to make more milk to meet their increased nutritional needs.

The most important thing to note is keeping your baby close to you after birth. This can lead to a stronger bond and increase the likelihood of successful breastfeeding, as it promotes important hormonal responses in both mother and baby. And if you are experiencing any problems when trying to breastfeed, don't hesitate to contact your doctor.


Breastfeeding, while natural, can come with its set of challenges for new moms. By understanding common issues and following expert advice, new mothers can navigate through sore nipples, engorgement, infections, and more, to foster a healthy breastfeeding experience. Remember, each journey is unique, and seeking help is a strength, not a weakness.


Dr. Pulyk Nataliya Omelanivna

Dr. Pulyk Nataliya Omelanivna is an Internal Medical Expert who is based out of Ukraine. With a special interest in internal medicine Dr Pulyk graduated from the Ternopil National Medical Academy in Ukraine, in the year 2001. Between the years 2002-2009, Dr Pulyk worked as an emergency physician. Her years of work as an emergency physician gave her immense exposure to a range of patients and an opportunity to learn on the job, and gather extensive experience.

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