
How To Build a Strong Support System For Healthy Ageing

Written by Dr. Stefanenko Irina Borisovna on Wed, 23 August 2023 — Fact checked by Dr. Bugaeva Irina Viktorovna

Key Highlights

  • Having a strong support system is important for older adults.
  • Older adults with strong support systems were found to have better physical and mental health and are able to cope with life’s challenges better.
  • While many seniors may feel the brunt of their shrinking social circles for several reasons, it is possible to build a strong support system around them.  
  • Participating in community activities, joining a sports club, and staying connected with friends and family are some ways older adults can build a strong social support system around them. 


The WHO states that every individual in this world has the right to live a long and healthy life. However, several factors impact how long or healthy one lives. The United Nations has designated 2021 to 2030 as the decade of healthy ageing.

But, before discussing how to build strong support for healthy ageing, we must understand what it is!

Healthy ageing involves creating an environment and opportunities that help people to be able to work and live independently, without any diseases, to experience and achieve what they value all through their lives. The WHO defines healthy ageing as “the process of developing and maintaining the functional ability that enables well-being in older age.”

Why is a support system important for healthy ageing

A support system is crucial for healthy ageing, as it can provide both physical and mental health benefits.

Older adults with strong social connections and support systems are more likely to maintain their independence, experience better physical and mental health outcomes, and cope more effectively with life changes.

However, as people grow old, they may experience multiple changes in their social networks due to events like retirement, relocation, and loss of friends or family members. They may also experience barriers to social engagement due to physical constraints, health conditions, or financial limitations. These changes may lead to social isolation and loneliness, negatively impacting their health and well-being.

According to some studies, social support is associated with reduced risks for frailty (a condition of being weak) and mortality among older adults. Several studies demonstrate that an individual’s social network plays a vital role in healthy ageing.

Below are some reasons why a strong support system is vital for healthy ageing:

1. Improved physical health

Having a strong support system is associated with better physical health, including lower blood pressure, reduced risk of heart disease, and stronger immune function.

Older adults with strong social connections are also less likely to experience functional decline, falls, and disabilities.

2. Enhanced mental health

Seniors with a strong support system may also have enhanced mental health.

A strong support system can provide emotional support, which can reduce feelings of loneliness, anxiety and depression among older adults.

Participation in social events and networking with others has also been linked to a lower risk of cognitive decline and dementia in older adults.

When you have a strong support system, your stress levels are relatively low because you have someone to share and get advice from.

3. Coping with life changes

As people age, they may experience significant life changes, such as retirement, loss of a spouse or friends, or chronic health conditions.

A strong support system can help older adults cope with these changes, providing them emotional support and assistance.

4. Create a sense of belonging

Older adults with a strong support system of friends and family are more likely to feel a sense of belonging, which gives them a reason not just to live but thrive!

This positively impacts the individual’s mental and physical health.

5. Improves self-esteem

Having people to care for and root for you anytime during life gives you confidence and improves self-esteem.

This is true even for older adults.

How to build a strong support system for healthy ageing

1. Stay connected with family and friends

Social connections with family and friends are important for maintaining a strong support system.

Staying in touch with loved ones through audio and video calls and in-person visits can prevent isolation and promote emotional well-being.

2. Joining a gym or sports club

Regular physical activity has several health benefits for seniors. They must aim to get at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity daily. However, seniors must remember to pick an exercise that suits their fitness level and physical ability.

Regular physical activity helps seniors sleep better, boosts metabolism, stimulates appetite, and reduces the risk of falls, dementia, and heart diseases. It may help to join a gym or sports club that helps you meet others with similar interests.

3. Get involved in the community

Joining local clubs, social groups, volunteering, or taking a class can allow older adults to meet new people and build connections with others. Community involvement can also provide a sense of purpose and fulfilment.

Besides these benefits, meeting new people in the community is also a great way to learn a new skill or gain knowledge from others, which stimulates the mind and may prevent dementia. You can sign up for volunteering, learn to play a musical instrument, learn a new language, or develop computer skills.

Older adults can also join support groups as they provide a safe and supportive environment for seniors to connect with others experiencing similar challenges. Support groups can also offer opportunities for education, coping skills, and emotional support.

4. Access support services

Many support services are available for seniors, including home care, transportation, meal delivery, and assistance with activities of daily living.

These services can help seniors maintain independence and stay connected to their community.

5. Build a relationship with healthcare providers

Building a relationship with healthcare providers is essential for maintaining good physical and mental health. Seniors should schedule regular check-ups, ask questions about their health, and discuss any concerns they may have with their healthcare providers.


Building a strong support system is essential for healthy ageing. It can help seniors maintain their physical and mental well-being, prevent social isolation, and promote a sense of purpose and fulfilment.

By taking steps such as staying connected with family and friends, getting involved in the community, accessing support services, joining a support group, and building a relationship with healthcare providers, seniors can build a strong support system that meets their unique needs.


Dr. Stefanenko Irina Borisovna

Dr. Stefanenko Irina Borisovna Is a medical doctor based out of Ukraine. Dr. Borisovna graduated from the Vinnitsa State Medical University, in 1995. In between 1995-2000, Dr. Borisovna went on to further pursue her post graduation studying scientific activity from the Vinnytsa Medical University in Ukraine.

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