
How To Lose Face Fat: Effective Facial Exercises

Written by Dr Adwoa Agyei-Nkansah on Tue, 13 February 2024

Key Highlights

  • Facial exercises can tone the face, potentially reduce face fat, and improve muscle strength.
  • Regular practice of facial exercises, including specific routines for different times of the day and week, is key to seeing results.
  • These exercises offer several benefits, including improved muscle tone, reduced sagging, enhanced blood circulation, reduction in wrinkles, and stress reduction.
  • Combining facial exercise for v shape face at home with a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, adequate hydration, and sufficient sleep, enhances the overall results.
  • Overexertion, ignoring pain, neglecting hydration, and inconsistent routines can hinder the effectiveness of jawline face exercises. 


Face fat, a common concern for many, can significantly impact one's appearance, sometimes leading to a lack of confidence. This accumulation of fat around the facial area can alter the shape and contours of the face.

While genetics and overall body weight play a role, facial exercises are emerging as a potential solution to tone the face, lose face fat, improve muscle strength, and potentially reduce face fat.

So, if you are wondering how to get rid of chubby cheeks, these exercises can help you target specific areas of the face for a more defined and youthful look.

Do Facial Exercises Work?

Facial exercises, often referred to as "face yoga," have gained popularity as a non-invasive method to improve facial appearance and combat signs of aging. The scientific research on best facial exercises is relatively limited.

Some researchers argue that jawline face exercises could improve blood circulation and increase the oxygen supply to the skin, which may help in skin health and potentially reduce signs of aging.

Some celebrities and beauty influencers have endorsed facial exercises, claiming benefits in terms of toning and sculpting the face. But as with any new exercise or skincare routine, it's advisable to approach it cautiously and consider consulting with a dermatologist or healthcare provider.

How Often Should You Perform Facial Exercises?

How Often Should You Perform Facial Exercises?

It's generally recommended to perform facial exercise to lift cheeks daily. Consistency is key to seeing results. Just like exercising other muscles in your body, the more regularly you work out your facial muscles, the better and more lasting the results will be.

Morning 5 to 10 minutes

Start with gentle upward strokes on the cheeks, forehead, and neck to stimulate blood flow. Follow with specific anti aging facial exercises targeting areas like the forehead, eyes, and mouth for 1-2 minutes each.

Evening 5 to 10 minutes

Repeat the morning routine. You can also incorporate yoga face massage or use tools like jade rollers to relax the muscles and enhance blood circulation.

Weekly Focus Sessions 15 to 20 minutes

Once a week, have a longer session focusing on specific areas of concern, like reducing wrinkles around the eyes or toning the jawline.

What Are The Benefits Of Facial Exercises?

Incorporating facial exercises to lose face fat into your routine offers several benefits.

Here are the benefits of facial exercise:

  • Improved Muscle Tone: Regular facial exercises can strengthen and tone the muscles in your face. This can lead to a more defined facial structure and improved muscle tone.
  • Reduced Sagging: As we age, our skin loses elasticity, leading to sagging. Facial exercises can help in tightening the skin, reducing the appearance of sagging.
  • Enhanced Blood Circulation: Performing facial exercises increases blood flow to the various layers of the skin, which can lead to a healthier, more radiant complexion.
  • Reduction in Wrinkles: By toning the facial muscles, facial exercises can smooth out wrinkles, particularly around areas that show signs of aging like the forehead, eyes, and mouth.
  • Increased Lymphatic Drainage: These yoga face massage can also aid in lymphatic drainage, which helps in reducing puffiness and under-eye bags.
  • Potential Psychological Benefits: Engaging in a regular routine of facial exercises can lead to increased self-awareness and self-confidence. This psychological benefit stems from taking proactive steps towards maintaining one's appearance.
  • Stress Reduction: The process of performing facial exercises can be relaxing and meditative, helping to reduce stress and promote a sense of well-being.
  • Cost-Effective and Natural: Facial exercises are a cost-effective and natural alternative to more invasive cosmetic procedures, offering a way to maintain youthful looks without surgery or expensive treatments.

What Are The Best Facial Exercises?

What Are The Best Facial Exercises?

Face exercises to look younger are effective for enhancing muscle tone and minimizing aging signs. Wondering how to reduce face fat naturally?

Below are some of the best facial exercises to lose face fat you can try out:

  • Chin Lift: Targets the muscles under the chin. Tilt your head back and look toward the ceiling, then pucker your lips as if you're kissing the ceiling.
  • Fish Face: Suck in your cheeks and lips to make a fish face, holding this pose to tone your cheek muscles.
  • Raise Your Eyebrows: Lift your eyebrows as high as you can, hold for a few seconds, and then relax. This can help firm your forehead.
  • Puff Your Cheeks/blowing balloon exercise for face: Fill your cheeks with air and transfer the air from one cheek to the other, like a balloon.
  • Chewing Gum: Mimics the act of chewing gum for reducing face fat to work the jaw muscles.
  • Eye Squeeze: Close your eyes tightly and hold, then relax. It's good for the muscles around your eyes.
  • Jawline Toner: Open your mouth wide, then move your jaw to the left and hold, then to the right.
  • Cheekbone Lift: Place your fingers over each cheekbone, gently lift the skin upwards, and open your mouth to form an elongated "O".
  • Neck Stretch: Tilt your head back and look at the ceiling, then pucker your lips and stretch the area beneath your chin.
  • Lip Tightener: Push your lips out as if making a kiss, then stretch them as far as possible, keeping them tight.
  • Tongue to Nose: Try to reach your nose with your tongue, stretching it out as far as possible.
  • Smile and Pout: Smile as widely as you can, then immediately pout your lips.
  • Forehead Lift: Place your fingers just above your eyebrows and lift them up, then push your eyebrows down against your fingers.
  • Eye Circles: Close your eyes and move your eyeballs in a circular motion.
  • Nose Scrunch: Scrunch your nose, then widen your nostrils as much as you can.

Tips For Doing Facial Exercises The Right Way

Here are some essential tips to do face slimming exercises the right way:

  • Gentle Movements: It's crucial to be gentle with your face fat workout. The skin on your face is more delicate than the rest of your body, so harsh or aggressive movements can cause wrinkles or sagging over time. Focus on smooth, controlled motions that engage the muscles without pulling the skin.
  • Regular Practice: Like any form of exercise, consistency is vital for seeing results. Set a routine for your jawline face yoga, doing them at the same time each day, such as in the morning or before bed. Regular practice helps in gradually improving muscle tone and skin elasticity.
  • Proper Form: Pay close attention to which muscles you're engaging with each yoga for v shape face. It's easy to inadvertently use the wrong muscles, which can lead to imbalances or strain. If possible, practice in front of a mirror to ensure you're doing each movement correctly.
  • Breathing: Proper breathing is a key aspect of any exercise, including face exercises for sagging cheeks. It ensures an adequate oxygen supply to your muscles and promotes relaxation. Inhale and exhale smoothly through your nose during exercises, which can also help in maintaining a rhythm and enhancing focus.
  • Posture: Your posture plays a significant role in the effectiveness of v shape face exercise. Poor posture can lead to tension in your neck and facial muscles, counteracting the benefits of asymmetrical face exercises. Practice sitting or standing with your back straight, shoulders relaxed, and head comfortably aligned over your spine. This alignment supports the natural structure of your face and neck, allowing for more effective muscle engagement.

Common Mistakes To Avoid

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure a safer, more effective face slimming exercises routine that promotes muscle tone and skin health.

  • Overexertion: Just like with any other form of exercise, it's important not to overdo it with the best exercise for face skin tightening. Overworking the facial muscles can lead to fatigue, strain, or even injury. This is particularly crucial for facial muscles, as they are smaller and more delicate. Limit your sessions to a reasonable duration and frequency, and always listen to your body.
  • Ignoring Pain: Face toning exercises should never cause pain or discomfort. If you experience any pain, it's a sign that you might be doing the exercise incorrectly or with too much force. Stop immediately and reassess your technique.
  • Neglecting Hydration: Hydration plays a key role in maintaining skin elasticity and overall health. Not drinking enough water can lead to dry, less pliable skin, making it more susceptible to damage. Ensure you're drinking plenty of water throughout the day and consider using a hydrating moisturizer to keep your skin supple and responsive to exercises.
  • Inconsistent Routine: Consistency is key in any exercise regimen, including facial exercises. An inconsistent routine can greatly reduce face exercise results of the face fat workout. Try to incorporate them into your daily routine, perhaps as part of your morning or evening ritual, to make it easier to remember and stick to a regular schedule.

Healthy Lifestyle Tips To Reduce Face Fat

Healthy Lifestyle Tips To Reduce Face Fat

Reducing face fat and going from fat to skinny face as well as maintaining a healthy lifestyle involves a holistic approach. Here are the tips to help you get this:

  • Be Hydrated: Have plenty of water throughout the day. This helps flush out toxins and can reduce puffiness in the face.
  • Balanced Diet: Focus on a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. A balanced diet can help reduce overall body fat, including in the face.
  • Protect Skin from Sun: Apply sunscreen to safeguard your skin from harmful UV rays. Sun damage can lead to skin sagging and premature aging.
  • Regular Exercise: Include both cardio and strength training in your routine. Exercise can help reduce body fat and tone muscles, including those in your face.
  • Adequate Sleep: Ensure you get 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Lack of sleep can lead to water retention and a tired-looking face.
  • Limit Stress: Practice stress-reduction techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing. Stress can contribute to weight gain, including in the face.
  • Avoid Smoking: Smoking can prematurely age your skin, leading to sagging and wrinkles.
  • Limit Alcohol: Alcohol can cause dehydration and bloating, including in the facial area.
  • Cleanse and Moisturize: Regularly cleanse and moisturize your skin to maintain its elasticity and firmness.
  • Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Use gentle, natural skincare products to avoid irritation and inflammation.
  • Get Regular Check-ups: Regular health check-ups can help you maintain overall health, including weight management.
  • Stay Hygienic: Keep your face clean to prevent acne and other skin issues that can make your face appear fuller.
  • Limit Sugar and Processed Foods: These can contribute to weight gain and bloating.
  • Proper Makeup Removal: Always remove makeup before bed to prevent clogged pores and skin irritation.


These facial exercises not only improve the tone and appearance of the face but also aid in reducing signs of aging like wrinkles and sagging skin. Improved blood circulation and stress relief are additional advantages. To optimize these benefits, it's recommended to combine facial exercise to get a slim face with a holistic approach to health, including good nutrition, hydration, and sufficient rest.

Frequently Asked Questions

Face fat can increase due to various factors such as weight gain, aging, genetics, or even water retention. 

Regular facial exercises targeting the chin and neck, along with overall weight loss strategies like a balanced diet and exercise, can help reduce face fat and double chin. 

Yoga poses that involve facial movements and expressions can tone facial muscles, aiding in the reduction of face fat. Yoga poses for face glow can be particularly effective. 

Yes, facial exercises can be effective in toning facial muscles, improving skin elasticity, and reducing signs of aging. 

A diet low in calories and high in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains can help reduce overall body fat, including face fat. 

It's common to lose some facial fat in your 20s as your face starts to mature and lose some of its youthful roundness. 

Performing facial exercises that target the cheeks, such as puffing your cheeks and pushing the air from side to side, can help tone and reduce chubby cheeks. 

Apart from genetics, face toning exercises targeting the cheek muscles and overall weight management can help define cheekbones. Contouring makeup techniques can also enhance the appearance of sharper cheekbones. 


Dr Adwoa Agyei-Nkansah

Dr Adwoa Agyei-Nkansah is a fellow of the West African College of Physicians, a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, London and a member of the American College of physicians.

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Current Version

Feb, 13 2024

Written By

Dr Adwoa Agyei-Nkansah