
Everything You Need To Know About Breast Pumping

Written by Deborah Onoja on Mon, 04 December 2023 — Fact checked by Dr. Pakanich Maria Petrivna

Key Highlights

  • The article covers various types of breast pumps and their benefits and emphasizes the importance of choosing the right pump for a stress-free pumping experience.
  • Pumping can begin right after birth, and for those planning to be away from their baby, starting a few weeks in advance is recommended. Pumping at times when the baby would typically feed helps maintain milk supply.
  • The importance of hand hygiene before pumping and ensuring the cleanliness of the pumping environment, pump parts, and bottles are crucial.
  • Methods of pumping discussed include Hand Expression, Manual Pumps, and Electric Pumps, as well as tips on Breast Milk Storage.
  • Choosing the right breast pump is crucial for a successful breastfeeding journey, especially for regular pumping. We encourage seeking advice from doctors and experienced mothers to make pumping a comfortable and successful experience for both mother and baby. 

Breast Pumping

Breastfeeding is a beautiful experience, but there may be times when you need to be away from your little one or would like to involve your partner in the feeding process. In such cases, pumping breast milk can come in handy.

However, it's essential to pump and store your milk correctly to maintain its quality and nutritional value.

This article has some useful tips and guidelines that can help you pump and store your breast milk safely. So, let's dive in!

When Can I Start Pumping Milk?

You can start pumping milk right after birth. And if you're going to be away from your baby for some time, like going back to work or school, it's good to start pumping a few weeks in advance.

It’s helpful to pump at the times when your baby would typically feed. This will help you maintain your milk supply. This will also help you get the hang of pumping, and your baby can start getting used to drinking milk from a bottle instead of your breast.

Never forget to wash your hands well with soap and water or a sanitizer before pumping. Ensure that the place where you're pumping, and all the pump parts and bottles are clean.

How Can I Pump Milk?

You can express your breast milk by hand or using a pump. Let’s talk about them more to help you choose!

How Can I Pump Milk?

By Hands

Hand expression is a method where you use your hand to press and squeeze your breast to get the milk out. Although it requires some practice, it can be as quick as using a pump once you get the hang of it. It's an excellent option if you're regularly away from your baby or need a method that's always accessible, and it's also free. However, it's recommended that all moms learn how to hand express just in case of an emergency.

Manual Pumps

Another way to express breast milk is by using a manual pump, which is a small, handheld device that you operate using your hand and wrist. It's usually more affordable and compact than electric pumps. It's an excellent option for occasional pumping if you're away from your baby now and then. However, it requires some practice and coordination to use effectively. Also, it takes more time and effort to get milk out compared to electric pumps, which are better for regular use. Some women also keep a manual pump as a backup in case of a power outage or issues with their electric pump.

Electric Pumps

Yet another way to express breast milk is by using an electric breast pump, which runs on batteries or plugs into an electrical outlet. They come in various sizes and can be battery-operated or plugged in. These pumps can be easier for some moms to use because they don't require as much physical effort as manual pumps and can draw out the milk faster. They also give you the option of pumping one breast at a time or both at the same time. Double pumping is beneficial if you're going back to work or school full-time because it collects more milk in less time.

How Can I Store It?

After pumping, you have a few options to store your breast milk. You can leave it at room temperature for up to 4 hours, put it in the fridge for up to 4 days, or freeze it if you won't use it within 4 days. You can also use cooler packs to keep it cool for up to 24 hours. Just make sure to use breast milk storage bags when freezing. That way, you'll be ready for any baby feeding needs that come your way!

How Can I Store It?

Bonus Pumping Tips

Pumping away from your baby can be challenging, but we have some helpful tips for you:

  • Find a quiet, private place to pump
  • Relax and make yourself comfortable
  • Consider hand expressing for a few minutes before pumping
  • Stay hydrated and eat healthy snacks
  • Buy a hands-free pumping bra or make one yourself by cutting holes in your sports bra
  • Invest in a good quality pump with the right size flanges
  • Keep a photo or video of your child that brings back memories for you.


Choosing the right breast pump can make a big difference in your breastfeeding journey, especially if you plan to pump regularly.

Don't be afraid to seek advice from your doctor and other experienced mothers. By finding the right pump and getting support, you can make pumping a successful and comfortable experience for you and your baby.


Deborah Onoja

Deborah Onoja is a passionate Registered Nutritionist-Dietitian with a Bachelors of Science degree in Nutrition & Dietetics obtained from Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. She qualified as a Registered Dietitian after completing her Dietetic Internship training at the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu where she was exposed to clinical dietetics. She also holds a Masters degree in Clinical Nutrition and Diet Therapy from the University of Ibadan.

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