
How to Use Music for Stress Relief?

Written by Dr. Pulyk Nataliya Omelanivna on Tue, 01 August 2023 — Fact checked by Dr. Stefanenko Irina Borisovna

Key Highlights

  • Music is soothing and has proven effective for managing stress and anxiety symptoms, among other mental health conditions. When we listen to music, our brain processes the auditory stimuli and triggers various emotional and physiological responses.
  • Different types of music evoke different emotional responses. Upbeat and lively tunes can boost our mood, increase energy levels, and create a sense of joy and happiness.
  • Research has proven that listening to music can counter the effects of stress hormones like cortisol, reduce heart rate, and lower blood pressure.
  • Several mechanisms have been suggested by which music may help reduce stress, including stress hormone regulation, reduced heart rate and blood pressure, and neurotransmitter release.
  • From creating your stress and anxiety-relief playlist to setting up a morning ritual and listening to your favourite songs while commuting, you can make music a part of your life in several ways.

Most people enjoy music, one type or the other, right? We all have our favourite genres, songs, artists and even lyrics. Humanity’s deep association with music is intricate.

For this reason, music therapy is an integral part of many alternate treatments. In fact, music is soothing and has proven to be effective for managing stress and anxiety symptoms, among other mental health conditions.

Let’s learn more about the therapeutic effect of music and how you can use music for stress and anxiety relief!

The therapeutic power of music

Music has an astounding influence on our brain and emotions, which makes it a useful tool for stress and anxiety relief and relaxation. When we listen to music, our brain processes the auditory stimuli and triggers various emotional and physiological responses.

One of the primary ways music impacts our brain is by releasing neurotransmitters, including dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins. These chemicals regulate our mood, emotions, and overall well-being.

Listening to music can stimulate the release of these neurotransmitters and significantly impact our emotional state of mind.

It has also been observed and studied that different types of music evoke different emotional responses. Upbeat and lively tunes can boost our mood, increase energy levels, and create a sense of joy and happiness. On the other hand, slow, melodic, and soothing music can induce a state of calm, helping us relax and unwind. This has also been practised for centuries in the different ragas in Indian classical music. In contrast, slow, calming music can be relaxing and puts the mind at ease. This practice has been followed for centuries in various ragas of Indian classical music.

What happens during stress and anxiety?

When stressed, our bodies experience a physiological response known as the ‘fight-or-flight' response. This response can lead to an increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, and heightened levels of stress hormones like cortisol.  

Music to the rescue!

Several studies have proven that listening to music can overcome these effects. It reduces heart rate, reduces blood pressure, and decreases the levels of stress hormones like cortisol. As a result, listening to music has a calming effect on the mind.

Besides this, music can divert our attention away from stressors and enables us to turn our focus toward the soothing and pleasurable auditory experience. This shift in attention helps break the cycle of negative thoughts associated with stress and anxiety.

Is there science behind music and stress relief?

Absolutely! Many studies support the impact of music on stress relief and anxiety reduction. Let's delve into the science behind music and stress relief:

Is there science behind music and stress relief

1. Stress hormone regulation

  • Studies have shown that listening to music can modulate the production of stress hormones.
  • Music interventions can reduce cortisol levels in acute and chronic stress situations, helping to alleviate the physiological effects of stress on the body.

2. Reduces heart rate and blood pressure

  • Did you know music has the power to reduce your heart rate and blood pressure levels? While we presume that music engages our hearing and the associated part of the brain, it does a lot more than that.
  • Slow, calming music has been shown to lower heart rate and blood pressure, promoting relaxation and reducing the physiological markers of stress.
  • Music can also affect your brain chemistry and produce cardiovascular benefits too!

3. Neurotransmitter release

  • Listening to music stimulates the release of various neurotransmitters in the brain, like serotonin, dopamine and endorphins.
  • These neurotransmitters are known to increase feelings of pleasure, happiness, and overall well-being.
  • These feelings can help counteract the signs of stress and anxiety symptoms.
  • Music also has the ability to evoke strong emotional responses. Listening to music that resonates with our emotions and current state of mind can facilitate emotional outbursts or regulation by providing an outlet for our stressful and anxious thoughts. For instance, imagine a person feeling overwhelmed with sadness and frustration. They might find solace in listening to a melody that reflects their feelings, allowing them to release their pent-up emotions.

4. Music distracts from stressors.

  • Music can be a powerful distraction from stressors, helping shift our focus away from negative thoughts and worries.
  • Engaging our attention in the rhythmic patterns, melodies, and lyrics of songs can interrupt the stress response and promote a more relaxed state of mind.

These scientific findings indicate that music is a powerful tool for relieving anxiety and stress symptoms.

How to use music for stress and anxiety relief?

Here are some ways by which you can incorporate music into your daily routine for stress and anxiety relief:

  • Creating a personalised stress-relief playlist: Begin your stress and anxiety-busting journey with music by creating a playlist. Reflect on your preferences and consider the genres and songs you enjoy or resonate with what your mind perceives as calm. Look for slow, soothing melodies or songs with slow tempos and acoustic tunes. Nature sounds, and instrumentals are also excellent for stress and anxiety relief. You can also find ready-made playlists on popular music applications on your mobile phone.
  • Having a morning playlist: Start your day positively by creating a morning playlist that energises and uplifts you. Listen to your favourite upbeat tunes while getting ready or during breakfast to set a positive tone for the day.
  • Add music to your commute: Transform your daily commute into a more enjoyable experience by listening to music. Create playlists that match your mood or the pace of your journey. Upbeat music can provide an energetic boost, while calming melodies can help you unwind during a hectic commute.
  • Productivity booster: Music can enhance focus and productivity while working or studying. Try different genres of music to find the type of music that helps you concentrate best. Instrumental or ambient music without lyrics often works well for maintaining focus.
  • Exercise playlist: Elevate your workout routine by syncing it with motivating music. Upbeat, high-energy tracks can boost your motivation and endurance during physical activities. Create playlists that match the intensity of your workout or try genre-specific playlists for different exercise types.
  • Wind-down ritual: Use music to unwind and de-stress at the end of the day. Slow, soothing melodies can create a calming atmosphere that promotes relaxation. Incorporate music into your evening routine, such as listening while bathing, practising relaxation techniques, or reading a book before bed.


So, let us embrace the therapeutic nature of music and integrate it into our daily routines. By incorporating music into your daily routine and incorporating mindful listening techniques, you can maximise the effects of music for stress relief.

Whether it's a peaceful melody during moments of solitude, an energizing rhythm during exercise, or a soothing lullaby before sleep, music has the potential to uplift, heal, and rejuvenate. Let it become your steadfast companion, guiding you through life's challenges and providing solace during times of stress.

Remember, the key lies in the intention and attention you bring to your musical experiences. Embrace the rhythm, let the melodies carry you away, and allow yourself to be fully present in the harmonies that resonate within. Together, let us maximize the extraordinary effects of music for stress relief, promoting a more peaceful and fulfilling existence.


Dr. Pulyk Nataliya Omelanivna

Dr. Pulyk Nataliya Omelanivna is an Internal Medical Expert who is based out of Ukraine. With a special interest in internal medicine Dr Pulyk graduated from the Ternopil National Medical Academy in Ukraine, in the year 2001. Between the years 2002-2009, Dr Pulyk worked as an emergency physician. Her years of work as an emergency physician gave her immense exposure to a range of patients and an opportunity to learn on the job, and gather extensive experience.

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Current Version

Aug, 01 2023

Written By

Dr. Pulyk Nataliya Omelanivna

Fact checked By

Dr. Stefanenko Irina Borisovna