
The Reasons for Your Baby’s Cry and How to Help Them

Written by GHBY Team on Wed, 27 December 2023

Key Highlights

  • Babies cry to express needs and discomforts, not to irritate parents.
  • Hunger, tiredness, discomfort, and the need for attention are typical triggers.
  • Holding, feeding, swaddling, and gentle rocking can help calm a crying baby.
  • Evolutionary, behaviorist, and attachment theories provide different insights into why babies cry.
  • Crying typically peaks around 6-8 weeks and decreases over time.
  • Persistent crying may signal health issues; seek medical advice if concerned.
  • Never shake a baby, as it can cause severe brain injury or death. 

Are You Worried About Your Crying Baby?

It is normal for children to cry and it’s healthy for them. Normally, the newborn baby cries for up to 2 to 3 hours a day. The reason for the cry is different for different babies. They may cry due to pain, hunger, and tiredness. The baby won’t cry to disturb or irritate you; they are trying to communicate something.

Let us discuss the baby’s cry and what kind of care you need to take.

About Your Baby’s Cry

Every baby cries. Crying is their only way to tell you what they need or how they feel. They may cry when hungry, sick, in pain, or just not comfortable.  

It might be sometimes hard to figure out why the baby is crying You can begin soothing your baby by checking baby is well and not hurt and that the baby’s basic needs like hunger or need for diaper change are fulfilled.

Why Is My Baby Crying?

Why Is My Baby Crying?

All babies cry. Few cry more than others. You slowly learn to understand your baby’s cry and what he needs. The pitch and intensity of crying are different for different situations, and how quickly you respond to them.

The most common reasons for your baby to get fussy may be:

  • If the baby is hungry and wants to feed, he will demand feeding by crying.
  • If the baby wants to sleep, he tends to get irritated and starts crying.
  • If he has a wet or soiled diaper, his crying will indicate it is time to change the diaper.
  • If he needs to be burped, he feels uncomfortable, which makes him cry.
  • If the baby has colic pain, he usually cries out louder.
  • If your baby is too hot or too cold, he expresses his discomfort by crying.
  • Sometimes, your baby just needs to be held up for reassurance.

Why Babies Cry

Numerous theories attempt to explain why babies cry. This discussion presents a few of these theories, allowing you to evaluate which one seems most accurate and applicable to your own infant. It's possible to find merit in multiple theories as well.  

1. Evolutionary Theory

According to evolutionary theory, our innate traits have evolved over thousands of years. From this perspective, crying in infants serves an adaptive purpose, aiding their survival. By crying, babies communicate their needs to adult caregivers.

2. Behaviorist Theory

Behaviorism proposes that all behavior is learned through rewards and punishments. Applied to infants, this theory suggests that babies learn to cry for specific needs, such as hunger or attention, based on the responses they receive from parents. Babies can also influence their parents by training them to meet their needs through crying and positive reinforcement.

3. Attachment Theory

Crying is viewed as a way for babies to establish a secure attachment with caregivers, promoting positive outcomes in social and emotional development. Warm and responsive caregiving fosters a secure attachment, making babies feel safe and confident that their needs will be met.

The Crying Cycle

Most experts recognize a typical developmental pattern of crying in babies. Crying generally increases during the first month and peaks around 6-8 weeks, after which it gradually decreases. On average, babies cry for approximately 110 to 118 minutes per day during the early stages, reducing to about 72 minutes per day by around 3 months. It is important to note that crying is a normal part of infancy.

How To Settle Your Crying Baby?

How To Settle Your Crying Baby?

Quickly responding to your baby’s cry is not wrong. A mother’s attention towards a crying baby is a reassurance for the baby that he is safe and taken care of. Mostly, a baby calms down when you pick him up. Instead of getting spoiled, the baby will settle down easily when you pick him up. There will be times when even after meeting your baby’s needs, he continues to cry longer. Don’t worry, sometimes, he may cry without any reason. 

The ways by which you can soothe your baby while crying:

  • Fulfil the basic needs: Ensure your baby has a clean diaper, is comfortable, and is not hungry.
  • Hold your baby: Make skin-to-skin contact and hold your baby in your arms and rock, sway, cuddle, and pat the back of your baby gently to let him know you are here for him.
  • Voice: Try singing or humming for your baby or talk to him. You can play a piece of soft music to relax your baby.
  • Bath: A warm bath and a massage may be helpful to relax your baby. But. Some babies don’t like to get undressed. They may cry even more.
  • Swaddling: Babies younger than 3 months like to be swaddled. It makes them sleep better and feel secure. Swaddle your baby in a cotton or muslin wrap.
  • Surroundings: Take your baby out for a walk in a stroller put your baby in an infant seat and take him for a ride in the car. The movements and vibrations tend to calm down a crying baby.
  • Feeding: Breastfeed or bottle feed your baby to comfort him. Sometimes, he might need extra milk.
  • Take help: You can ask for your partner, friends, or family members’ support to soothe your baby, while you relax after you are tired since your baby has been crying for a long time.

What Is “Shaken Baby Syndrome”

When, despite all the efforts, the baby won’t stop crying, makes you angry or frustrated and you tend to shake your baby. This can result in an injury to the brain, called shaken baby syndrome or abusive head trauma. This may lead to brain damage or even death. Always ensure that you never shake your baby for any reason.

Signs That Your Baby Is Not Feeling Well

Your baby tends to cry a lot if something is wrong with him, or he is feeling sick. 

Seek medical care if you notice your baby has:

  • Fever.
  • Skin rash.
  • Vomiting or watery motions.
  • Uneasiness while breathing.
  • Pale or bluish skin.
  • Few wet or dirty diapers.


In conclusion, baby’s cry is a natural way for the baby to communicate his requirements to the parent or the caregiver.

You must pay attention to your baby’s needs and try to fulfil them. This will not spoil your baby as he needs your attention and love. If you feel something is wrong with your baby take the help of a medical professional.



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