
Understanding The Benefits Of Technology For Seniors

Written by Dr. Burtseva Tamara Viktorivna on Sat, 02 December 2023 — Fact checked by Dr. Stefanenko Irina Borisovna

Key Highlights

  • Staying digitally connected is important for the physical, mental, and emotional health of individuals.  
  • Accessing technology and staying digitally connected offers several benefits to seniors, including better social connections and building a supportive community.
  • Though many seniors understand the importance of staying digitally connected, they face several obstacles or barriers to accessing technology.  

Staying connected in older age is important for the physical, mental, emotional and psychological health of seniors.

In today's world, technology and the digital world offer numerous ways for seniors to stay connected with loved ones, access important resources, and engage in new hobbies and interests.

However, many seniors may be hesitant to adopt new technology or feel overwhelmed by the fast pace of digital innovation.

According to a report by the Pew Research Centre, while seniors are increasingly using technology, they still lag behind younger generations in terms of adoption.

Let's understand the importance of staying connected with technology and the digital world for seniors, its benefits, and how to overcome common barriers to adoption.

Benefits of Technology for Seniors

1. Increased social connections

Technology can help seniors stay connected with loved ones who may be far away, and thus, they are unable to see them in person as often as they would like. Video conferencing platforms like Zoom or Skype allow seniors to see and speak with friends and family.

Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram can help seniors stay connected and up-to-date with the lives of loved ones.

2. Improved mental and emotional health

Staying connected with friends, family, peers, ex-colleagues, and others in the community can have a positive impact on the mental and emotional health of seniors.

Older adults who use the internet and participate in online social activities experience lower rates of depression than those who do not. Additionally, online communities and support groups can offer seniors a sense of belonging and provide emotional support.

3. Assist in maintaining physical health

Seniors can use the health monitoring apps to track their exercise routine, water intake, diet, medication schedules, monitor their blood pressure, blood sugar, heart rate etc.

Some of these apps can even be used to schedule doctor appointments or order medicines. In addition, using video conferencing apps, seniors can join physical fitness, meditation, and yoga classes virtually in order to maintain their physical health.

4. Access to information and resources

The internet is an excellent source of information that can be helpful for seniors. From online tutorials and educational resources to health and wellness information, seniors can use technology and digital tools to access information to help them live healthier and more fulfilling lives.

Additionally, many companies and organisations now offer online services, such as grocery delivery or telehealth appointments, which can be especially helpful for seniors who may have difficulty leaving their homes.

Overcoming Barriers to Accessing Technology

With the right resources and support, seniors can enjoy the benefits of technology even with limited experience or physical limitations.

Some common barriers that seniors may face when trying to stay digitally connected are:

1. Lack of knowledge

Many seniors may feel intimidated by technology because they lack knowledge or experience using it.

To overcome this barrier, seniors can use online tutorials or classes offered by local community centres or libraries.

These resources can help seniors learn the basics of using a computer, navigating the internet, and using common applications like email and social media.

2. Fear of technology

Some seniors may have a fear of technology, either due to previous negative experiences or a lack of understanding.

To help seniors overcome this fear, it can be helpful to emphasise the benefits of staying connected and to encourage them to start with small steps, such as sending an email or joining a video call.

Additionally, seniors can look for technology that is designed specifically for seniors, which may be more user-friendly and less intimidating.

3. Physical limitations

Seniors with physical limitations may find it challenging to use technology, especially if they have difficulty with vision, hearing, or mobility (due to conditions like arthritis).

To overcome this barrier, seniors can look for assistive devices or technologies explicitly designed for people with physical limitations. For example, seniors with hearing loss can use hearing aids or amplified phones, while those with vision loss can use screen readers or magnification software.

Many devices now have built-in accessibility features, such as larger text or voice control.

4. Lack of trust

Most seniors found it difficult to trust technology and were doubtful if it maintained their privacy. The fear of technology and the unknown prevents seniors from accessing technology.

By identifying and addressing these common barriers, seniors can feel more confident and empowered to stay digitally connected.

Digital Tools Seniors Can Use

1. Social media

Social media portals like Facebook and Instagram are excellent ways for seniors to stay connected with friends and family, more so if they live far away.

Seniors can use social media to share updates, photos, and videos with loved ones and to join groups and communities based on their interests.

2. Video conferencing

Video conferencing platforms like Zoom, Skype, Google Meet and FaceTime allow seniors to have virtual face-to-face conversations with loved ones when they are unable to visit in person.

Seniors can also use these platforms to attend virtual events, join book clubs, attend webinars and stay connected with their doctors and healthcare providers.

3. Online banking and shopping

Most banks and retailers offer online banking and shopping options, which can be particularly helpful for seniors who may find it difficult to leave their homes.

Seniors can use these platforms or applications to manage their finances, pay bills, and shop for groceries, medicines and other essentials.

4. Health monitoring apps

Several health monitoring apps are available to help older adults track their medication schedules, monitor their blood pressure and conditions like diabetes and help them schedule doctor appointments.

These apps can be beneficial for seniors who may need to keep a close eye on their health but may not be able to visit their doctors as often as they would like.

Online Safety Tips For Seniors

While using digital tools and applications, online safety for seniors is equally important. Unfortunately, seniors are particularly vulnerable to online scams and fraud, as they may be less familiar with the technology or more likely to trust strangers.

Here’s how to maintain online safety for seniors: 

  • Seniors should use strong, unique passwords for their online accounts. They must avoid using the same password for multiple accounts. Passwords should be at least 8 characters long and include a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
  • They must be cautious of unsolicited phone calls, emails, or messages that ask for personal information or money transfers. Scammers often pretend to be from government or registered organisations, like banks, to trap seniors.
  • Seniors should be careful about sharing personal information like their complete name, date of birth, or address. They should also be cautious about sharing sensitive information, like the CVV number on their debit or credit cards or bank account information.
  • They must install and use antivirus software on their computers and other devices to protect against malware and viruses that can compromise their privacy or safety.
  • Seniors must regularly update their mobile and computer software and operating systems to protect them against the latest security threats


Staying connected in old age has many benefits for seniors, including increased social connections, improved mental and emotional health, and access to information and resources.

While there may be some barriers to getting started, there are many resources and tools available to help seniors overcome these challenges and get connected.

By embracing the benefits of technology, seniors can live more fulfilling lives and stay connected with the world around them.


Dr. Burtseva Tamara Viktorivna

Dr. Burtseva Tamara Viktorivna is a pediatrician by profession based out of Ukraine. In 2004, Dr. Viktorivna graduated from Ukraine's Donetsk Medical University where she specialised in pediatric studies. She then gathered extensive experience on ground until 2011 at city polyclinic No. 1 in Donetsk, where she worked as a pediatrician handling a variety of cases.

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