
Vitamins for Recovery and Breastfeeding

Written by GHBY Team on Thu, 07 December 2023

Key Highlights

  • New mothers require additional nutrition during breastfeeding for recovery and to support their baby's growth.
  • A variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, lean meat, and whole grains, is essential for both mother and baby.
  • Postnatal supplements like vitamin D, DHA, Folate, and Iodine are often necessary to complement the diet.
  • Alcohol, excessive caffeine, and certain seafood should be avoided to prevent harm to the baby.
  • It's crucial to seek advice from doctors regarding the appropriate supplements and their duration.

Getting The Proper Nutrients

A woman’s body doesn't directly return to its pre-pregnancy state after giving delivery. Postnatal supplements are just as crucial for sustaining your health and well-being as prenatal supplements are for the development of your unborn child.

Many postnatal vitamins may be suggested by your doctor to assist with postpartum depression, immune system assistance, lactation, and nutritional needs. The overall taste of your breast milk will change if you eat a wide variety of foods while nursing.

Your kid will be exposed to a variety of tastes as a result, which may make it easier for them to take solid foods in the future. Your doctor might advise continuing to take a daily multivitamin and mineral supplement until you wean your baby to ensure that you and your infant are getting all the vitamins you require.

Let us dive into the vitamins and nutrients needed for the mother post-delivery.

Nutrition After Delivery

Nutrition After Delivery

Adequate nutrition is vital for a mother’s health after delivery. It is also essential for the growth and development of your baby. You should ensure consuming a healthy diet so that you can produce enough milk for your baby.

Increase Your Calorie Count

  • A new mom, especially one who is breastfeeding her baby needs to increase her calorie count to meet the nutritional demands of her body.
  • It is estimated that an additional 300-400 calories per day are required by a breastfeeding woman.
  • Although the need for extra calories varies from woman to woman.
  • To get those extra calories, go for a slice of bread, with a tablespoon full of peanut butter, apple, or banana, and yoghurt.

The Food You Must Include

Consume more fruits, vegetables, lean meat, eggs, beans, lentils, and whole grains.

Choose a variety of healthy foods. The dietary sources of different nutrients are:

  • Protein: you can get proteins from lean meat, fish, and legumes.
  • Calcium: Dairy products, legumes, and Green-leafy vegetables provide calcium.
  • Iron: green-leafy vegetables and meat are rich sources of iron.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: you can derive these by including walnuts, seeds, and fish in your diet.
  • You should increase your fluid intake as well. Drink lots of water. Avoid juices and sugary drinks.
  • A multivitamin supplement is recommended for lactating mothers in case they are not able to derive all nutrients from their diet.

What Food Should You Avoid?

  • Alcohol: You must avoid drinking alcohol as it is not safe for your baby at all.
  • Caffeine: 2-3 cups of caffeine are recommended for the new mother. Too much caffeine can pass through breast milk to your baby and interfere with his sleep.
  • Seafood: Although seafood is healthy, it may contain mercury or other contaminants which may result in neurological problems in babies.
  • Spicy foods: These can aggravate the production of gas and cause stomach pain in the baby.

Postnatal Vitamins Are Crucial

Postnatal Vitamins Are Crucial

A healthy diet alone is often not sufficient for the optimal health of the infant as well as the mother. The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends the use of dietary supplements post-birth to meet the nutritional needs of a nursing mother. The supplements containing vitamin D, DHA, Folate, and Iodine are required by a woman post-delivery.

  • Iron: Due to blood loss during childbirth, your body’s iron stores tend to deplete. To compensate for the lost iron, you should include supplementary iron along with dietary iron. This is necessary to prevent iron-deficiency anaemia. You should consume iron supplements for at least three months to maintain constant iron levels in your body.
  • Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 deficiency may occur in vegetarians. You can go for a vitamin B12 supplement if you are a vegetarian.
  • Vitamin A: Supplementary vitamin A improves the level of retinol in the breastmilk, which is crucial for your baby.
  • DHA: It supports the brain development of the infant and is also vital for the mother’s health.

How Long Should You Continue The Dietary Supplements?

You should consult your healthcare provider to know what supplements are required for you and how long they should be continued. Usually, these dietary supplements are recommended for three months for women post-delivery.

After giving birth to your baby, your body takes time to revert to its pre-pregnancy state. Vitamins are important for your health and wellness after delivery. They not only keep you healthy but also your baby when you breastfeed your baby. Your health care provider can recommend postnatal vitamins which can be useful for lactation, and to meet the nutritional requirement of the body.


For new mothers, the journey post-delivery involves significant physical and nutritional adjustments. Ensuring an adequate intake of essential vitamins and nutrients is crucial for both the mother's recovery and the baby's development during breastfeeding. The importance of a well-rounded diet and the potential need for dietary supplements as recommended by healthcare providers is important. By following these guidelines, mothers can maintain their health and provide optimal care for their newborns.



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Dec, 07 2023

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